martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Je suis rentré chez moi

Got up seriously early this morning! Only slept about 4 hours but totally worthy.
I got sick of my bed, got out of it, made it and quickly stop by school to talk to the nurse (got my 4 wisdom teeth out two weeks ago, had to skip school!) and made it back home.
We're taking my grandma to the doctor in a bit, hope she's okay, earlier this year was really hard for all of us, specially for her, they were pretty pesimistic about her making it, she did, like the fighter she is but hope there's nothing wrong again.
I'll stop by school later this noon, I guess, I have to fix my schedule once and for all.
This I wore on sunday, later I'll update what I wore today, all I can say is 90's and red lipstick,
I feel nude without it

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Friday State of Mind

what fridays should look like

Decidí comenzar este blog en viernes en añoranza a esta sensación de plena libertad del viernes por la tarde.
Me desconecté por mucho tiempo de esta sensación pero estoy intentando cosecharla de nuevo: las siestas eternas del viernes, los días chiquitos del día, despiertas y después de todo es viernes: care-free.
Me gustaría hacer una presentación más formal pero el tema de este blog es que no tiene tema, sí, después de todo es viernes, ¿no?